Cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ mục đích



I/ Clause of Purpose : Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích - So That/In Order That           để mà

Form :

S + V1/s/es + O

So That

In Order That

S + can/will + V0 + O

S + V2/ed + O

S + could/would + V0 + O

Lưu ý:Thông thường nếu không có NOT thì dùng can /could còn có NOT thì dùng won't / wouldn't ,trừ những trường hợp có ý ngăn cấm thì mới dùng can't/couldn't.

ex1:     I study hard so that I can pass the exam.

ex2:     I study hard so that I won't fail the exam.

ex3:     I hide the toy so that my mother can't see it. ( tôi giấu món đồ chơi để mẹ tôi không thể thấy nó -> ngăn không cho thấy )

II/ Phrase of Purpose : cụm từ chỉ mục đích - In Order To/So As To/To          để mà

Form :  + + Inf.

S + V + O

In Order To

So As To


+ V0

Lưu ý: Nếu có NOT thì để NOT trước TO, tuy nhiên mẫu TO không áp dụng được trường hợp có NOT.

ex1: I study hard. I want to pass the exam.

-> I study hard in order to / so as to /to pass the exam.

ex2: I study hard. I don't want to fail the exam.

-> I study hard in order not to fail the exam.             đúng

-> I study hard so as not to /to fail the exam.            đúng

-> I study hard not to fail the exam.                          sai


III/ Cách nối câu :


ex1:  I’m studying  hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates.

    ] I’m studying  hard so that I can keep pace with my classmates.

      S1 + V + O. S2 + want/like/hope + to + V0 + O. 

]  S1 + V + O so that  S2 + can/could/will/would + V0 + O.

sau want/ like/ hopeto thì ta bỏ chúng thay bằng can/could/will/would

ex2: Alice prepares her lessons carefully. She wants to get high marks in class.

] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

-Nếu sau các chữ want, like, hope..có túc từ thì lấy túc từ đó ra làm chủ từ.

ex3: I give you the book .I want you to read it.

  ] I give you the book so that you can read it.

      S1 + V + O. S2 + want/like/hope +O +  to + V0 + O. 

]  S1 + V + O so that O->S2 + can/could/will/would + V0 + O.

sau want/ like/ hopeO rồi mới đến to thì ta bỏ chúng thay bằng can/could/will/would, sau đó đem O lên thay cho S2

ex4:  Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the house.

] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


  S1 + V + O. S2 + want/like/hope + to + V0 + O. 

] S1 + V + O In Order To/So As To/To trước V0 + O. 

( S1 = S2 . Bỏ S2, bỏ luôn want/like/hope + to thêm In Order To/So As To/To trước V0 + O. )

     I study hard .I want to pass the exam.

-> I study hard in order to pass the exam.

      S1 + V + O. S2 + want/like/hope +O +  to + V0 + O. 

]  S1 + V + O In Order for O To/So As for O To + V0 + O.

( S1 = S2 . Bỏ S2, bỏ luôn want/like/hope + to thêm In Order for O To/So As for O To V0 + O. )

I give you the book .I want you to read it.

-> I give you the book so that you can read it.

* For + Noun: cũng có thể được dùng để nói đến mục đích của ai khi làm việc gì đó.
        I went to the store for some bread.
* For + O + to-inf. dùng để nói đến mục đích liên quan hành động của người khác
       I gave him my address. I wanted him to write to me.
 → I gave him my address for him to write to me.

Note: Khi mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đich không cùng chủ từ thì không nên dùng cụm từ chỉ mục đích; có thể dùng for + O + to-inf
Ex: I left the door unlocked so that my son could get in.
   Or: I left the door unlocked for my son to get in.


1) The boys stood on the desks . They wanted to get a better view.


2) We learn English. We want to have better communication with other people.


3) We lower the volume . We don't want to bother our neighbours.


4) I will write to you. I want you to know my decision soon.


5) these girls were talking whispers. They didn't want anyone to hear their conversation.


6) I spoke loudly. I wanted everybody could hear me clearly.


7) Mary often goes home as soon as the class is over. She doesn't want her mother to wait for her.


8) Tom gets up early. He doesn't want to be late for school.


9/  I’m studying  hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates.


10/ Alice prepares her lessons carefully. She wants to get high marks in class.


11/ Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the house.


12/ I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.


13/ You should walk slowly . Your sister can follow you.


14/ They did their  job well. They hoped the boss would increase their salary.


15/ We turned on the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity


16/ We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbours.


17/ The robber changed his address all the time. He didn’t want the police to find him.


18/ The man spoke loudly. He wanted every body to hear him clearly.


BÀI TẬP 2 : Đổi những câu sau đây sang mệnh đề ,dùng SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT

1) We hurried to school so as not to be late.


2) He climbed the tree in order to get a better view.


3) Some young people like to earn their own living in order to be independent of their parents.


4) We should do morning exercises so as to improve our health.


5) We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world so as to develop our national economy.


6) Every people in the world must unite their efforts to maintain and protect peace.


7) She put on warm clothes so as not to catch cold.


8) He hurried to the station so as not to miss the train.


9) She locked the door in order not to be disturbed.


10) I tried to be on time so as not to make our teacher sad.


BÀI TẬP 3 : Đổi những câu sau đây sang cụm từ ,dùng in order to/ so as to/ to

1) People use money so that they can buy things they need. (in order to)

à ________________________________________________________________________________

2) Banks are developed so that they can keep people’s money safe. (in order to)

à ____________________________________________________________________________

3) I need to buy some laundry detergent so that I will wash my clothes. (in order to)

à ________________________________________________________________________________

4)I came to this school so that I could learn English . (in order to)

à ________________________________________________________________________________

5) Tom was playing very softly so that he wouldn’t disturb anyone. (in order not to)

à ________________________________________________________________________________

6) They rushed into the burning house so that they could save the child. (in order to)

à ________________________________________________________________________________

7) Lan often attends English Speaking Club to practice speaking English. (so as to )

à ________________________________________________________________________________

8) He stood on the chair to see better. (in order to)

à ________________________________________________________________________________

9) Please shut the gate for the cows not to get out of the cowshed. (in order to )

à ________________________________________________________________________________

10) The boy tiptoed into the room not to wake every body up. (so as to)

à ________________________________________________________________________________

Choose the best answer for the following sentences:

1. I moved to the front of the room _______ I could see better.

A. so as to                               B. in order to                    C. to                               D. so that

2. The boy tiptoed into the room _______ wake everybody up.

A. so as to                               B. in order that                 C. so as not to                D. in order to

3. He turned out the light ________ waste electricity.

A. not                                      B. without                         C. so that not                 D. in order not to

4. I am lighting the fire so that the house _______ be warm when they return.

A. would                                 B. wouldn’t                       C. will                            D. won’t

5. Mary worked hard _______ pass the examination.

A. as so to                               B. so as to                         C. so that to                   D. in order not to

6. She is taking science course at school ______ order to choose science for her profession.

A. so                                        B. on                                 C. in                               D. at

7. She weighed herself _______ know the pull of the earth exerting on her.

A. for                                      B. so that                           B. in order                      D. to

8. He hurried so that he ________ miss the train.

A. won’t                                  B. doesn’t                         C. didn’t                         D. wouldn’t

9. He does morning exercises regularly _______ to improve his health.

A. not                                      B. without                         C. so that not                 D. in order

10. Mary took her brother to school for him ________ English.

A. to learn                               B. learning                        C. learns                         D. learned

11/ “I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understandme”. Means

a. I spoke slowly so that  the foreigner could understand me

b. I spoke slowly in  order to the foreigner could understand me.

c. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me

d. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me

 12/ He  had to explain the lesson very clearly…………………….

a. in order that his student to understandit                      b. so that his students  could understand it 

c. so as his students to understand it                                d. so that his students to understand it

13/ He studies very hard ……………………………………

a. in order to fail the examination                                   b. so that to get knowledge

c. so as not to pass examination                                       d. in order that he could be illiterate

14/ We have to start early…………………………we won’t be late

 a.  so that                               b.  so as  to                         c.  because                    d.  although

15/  They were talking in whispers…………..nobody could hear them.

 a.  in order to                          b.  so that         c.  in order that                d.  b and c arte correct

16/  He hurried to the station . He  didn’t want to miss the train

a. he hurried to the station so that he couldn’t miss the train

b. he hurried to the station in order that he couldn’t miss the train

c. he hurried to the station  not to miss the train                                                    d. all are correct

17/  She went to the library in order that she could borrow some books

a.she went to the library so as to borrow some books   

b.she went to the library that she could borrow some books

c.she went to the library so that she could borrow some books                             d. all are correct

18/  The  schoolboys are in hurry………………….they will not be late for school

a.  so as to                               b.  to                                  c.  in order that                d.  for

19/  We set off early…………………..we wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic

a.  although                               b.  so that                        c.  because                     d.  in case

20/  I shouted in order that I could warn everybody of danger

a. I shouted to warn everybody of danger

b. I shouted  so as to warn everybody of danger

c. I shouted so that to warn everybody of danger

d. a and b are correct