Perfect Gerund and Perfect Participle (Danh động từ hoàn thành và Phân từ hoàn thành)

 I. Perfect Gerund (Danh động từ hoàn thành)

1. Hình thức: having + V3/-ed

    2. Chức năng: dùng thay cho hình thức hiện tại của danh động từ khi chúng ta đề cập đến hành động trong quá khứ

Ex:  He was accused of having stealing their money. (Anh ta bị buộc tội đã lấy cắp tiền của họ)

II. Perfect participle (Phân từ hoàn thành)

1. Hình thức: having + V3/-ed

   2. Chức năng:

- dùng rút ngắn mệnh đề khi hành động trong mệnh đề đó xảy ra trước

          Ex: He finished all his homework and then he went to bed.

          à Having finished all his homework, he went to bed.

- dùng rút ngắn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian

        Ex: After he had fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.

           à After having fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.


Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined part with a present participle or a perfect participle.

1. They are vegetarians and they don’t eat meat.

2. Since we watch the news everyday, we know what is going on the world.

3. She was talking to her friend and forgot anything around her.

4. The boy asked his mother’s permission and then went out to play.

5. As he had drunk too much, he didn’t drive home himself.

Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. They left the restaurant, _______________ (spend) two hours over lunch.

2. (See) _______________ photograph of the place, I had no desire to go there.

3. (Switch) ______________ of the light, we went to bed.

4. The boy was accused of (steal) ____________ her money.

5. She apologized for (break) ____________ my vase.